Recycling and Controls
Once again, the ESG is “talking rubbish”!! Seriously, everyone knows how much time and effort we have invested in addressing Gibraltar’s shocking litter problems as well as the reluctance on the part of Government to undertake an active and dynamic programme to turn Gibraltar into a modern town, responsibly managing its waste for optimum environmental performance, etc. So far, we do not believe Govt is actively addressing littering and fly tipping and we shall need to step up our campaign to change this attitude.
Whilst some improvements have clearly taken place over the years by way of additional bins, introduction of glass and can recycling facility, there is so much outstanding that one cannot feel too optimistic about this topic.
Have a look at the proposals we made at the last election -2007, (see below), much of which sadly still holds true for today. One development has been the publication of Governments’ Energy and Waste policy which you can find on their website. This paper discusses Gibraltar’s current Carbon Footprint and impacts on Climate Change and examines ways in which this can be reduced by adopting various options both on recycling our waste and generating our energy.
Since 2005, the ESG has organised community wide annual as well as interim clean ups creating significant public attention to the problem. We have also submitted detailed reports to Government and the Chief Minister both of our findings in our campaigns as well as recommendations to address littering and fly tipping.
A copy of this latest report is being currently summarised and will be posted on this section soon.
WASTE: (2007)
Clear guidelines on rubbish disposal and improved facilities
Recycling points for all waste – Need to set up recycling facilities to foster sense of value in waste and ensure it can be re-used (makes economic and environmental sense).
- the construction of a modern environmental waste park/facility to be prioritised by the elected Govt as promised by the Minister for the Environment in 2005 after the 1st Clean Up the World Campaign. Subsequent campaigns in 2006 and 2007 have shown that waste and littering as well as illegal dumping by contractors is as big an issue today as it was then demanding for action to be taken by policy makers, services and agencies and supported by the community.
-facilities at the City Dump, Old Incinerator Site or Buena Vista to receive paper and cardboard and ensure this is then recyclable once it reaches Los Barrios which it currently IS NOT
– Introduce a practical litter and waste policy to manage and target the serious issues highlighted by the Clean Up the World campaign which in 2007 saw 500 volunteers collect 70 tons of mixed waste from our coastlines, green areas and underwater sites. This to include fining, educational campaign and increased facilities
– set up recycling bins with no more delay coupled with an awareness campaign to ensure people will use these properly once they are in place
! Short to long term:- Plans for a new incinerator to be made public with details of the life cycle assessment made on waste disposal management for Gibraltar and reasons for this decision. We currently send our waste to Los Barrios in Spain which separates rubbish for onward recycling. It would make sense to increase the recyclable element of our rubbish by separating at this end in proper facilities. The ESG welcomes open debate both with Government and contractors and agencies to discuss waste management as this is an issue of collective responsibility and involves and
affects the entire community. Gibraltar residents already produce twice the amount of rubbish per person than the UK resident, which already fares poorly compared to some of its European neighbours.