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  • ESG welcomes Transport under Environmental Minister 26.10.23

    October 26th, 2023

    The ESG welcomes the announcement of Transport now forming part of the Ministry for the Environments responsibilities. Transport in Gibraltar has long been an issue of concern to the group given the serious environmental and public health impacts from this activity. It believes air pollution and climate change factors, as laid out in Gibraltar’s Climate […]

    ESG Concerned re LNG Quayside Bunkering 25.10.23

    October 25th, 2023

    The ESG has learnt of a quayside LNG bunkering transaction that recently took place in Gibraltar from an announcement on Facebook by the previous Minister of the Port. Subsequent enquiries with the Ministry for the Environment confirm that a cruise ship, the Silver Nova, did receive LNG bunker from a barge, at quayside, on her […]

    ESG Concerned re lack of Climate Change Discussion during elections 26.09.23

    September 26th, 2023

    “The ESG is quite disappointed with the lack of discussion on Climate Change, the environment and pollution during recent election debates;  issues which greatly affect our quality of life and will increasingly impact future generations. In an appeal to the media and political parties the ESG calls for these critical issues to be included in […]

    CUTW Success Unbelievable Haul! Well done to all Volunteers 25.09.23

    September 25th, 2023

    Organisers of the 19th annual Clean up the World are extremely grateful to Team Leaders and volunteers, essential agencies, services, specialists and contractors for the energy and civic pride displayed throughout the clean up activity this weekend. The phenomena that the community wide Clean up has become did not disappoint with over 450 hard working […]

    CLEAN UP 2019 GBC FILM 19.09.23

    September 19th, 2023

    Check out : for a GBC film on the 2019 Clean up showing great community energy and participation!!
