ESG Radio Newsletter Thursday 28th June 2012 –
Clean up the World 2012
Today’s Newsletter will look at a number of environmental issues and developments. With Septembers Clean Up looming planning for this year’s Clean Up is beginning to take shape and really exciting are the waste models planned that will be very eye catching as well as highlight the challenges of waste management and the throwaway society we live in today. With the Main Street Parade, John Mackintosh Square Exhibition and weeklong exhibition planned at the John Mackintosh Hall itself we are confident of sharing and spreading important environmental messages and information.
We invite schools, clubs and associations to participate in 4 workshops taking place during the summer –dates are: 18th July, with the rest during August on the 1st, 14th and 29th. All at 7pm. Please contact us for further information- everyone welcome- workshops will be held at the ESG premises top floor – Plater Youth Club.
Team leaders for the Clean up projects are asked to attend at least two of the three planning meetings- taking place on the 10th July, 7th August, and 11th September at 7.30pm. You will be informed of the location for each meeting as this might change. This year several projects are being considered and will be tabled and discussed at the planning meetings.
Power Station Pollution
On other matters the ESG continues to be concerned about the heavy power station pollution exacerbated by high temperatures and still weather and waits for the “imminent statement” from Govt. on how it intends to proceed in the important issue of clean energy generation for Gibraltar. There is an online petition from north and south district residents calling for urgent closure of all three power stations which are causing grief to people on a daily basis. The decision cannot come a day too soon- support the petition –you can find the link on our website.
NEW!! Environmental Feedback and Reporting Protocols
On a positive note – Govt has published feedback numbers and email addresses for members of the public to use to report on environmental matters. Importantly for people suffering from air pollution, fumes, severe foul smells, you are advised to call 200-70620 during working hours, this is as before- but now we have a new mobile number to use outside working hours and we urge the public to please make use of this service – the number is 58297000. If you have access to a computer you are also asked to put your report in writing and send to email addresses:
For other matters relating to littering/vandalism, dumping etc. you are asked to contact 200- 65964 during working hours, or leave a message after hours –but also to please send a written message to email:
This is an important step in creating a safer and cleaner Gibraltar and we urge everyone to make full use of this new service provided by Government. Please feel free to copy your reports to the ESG at Finally, we realise we have given a lot of detail in this newsletter so if you want to check anything please visit our website which will have the newsletter in full posted later today.
Thanks for listening.