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    The ESG has attended several meetings in recent weeks both with the Ministry for the Environment and the Development and Planning Commission.

    With the Ministry for the Environment we can confirm that the meetings have, in the main, been extensive, detailed, and reasonably positive.
    Clearly what will utlimately decide true progress will be in the concrete measures that the new Government will implement and we wait with great interest to see what these shall be. The ESG is also planning on holding a series of direct meetings with Government technical staff to discuss issues that form part of our core campaigns.

    Last week saw the first public DPC meeting. The agenda was placed online and published in local newspapers but the details for subsequent meetings will only be placed online. We shall help remind our members and the public in general when these details are published.

    At the meeting the ESG raised some questions of concern regarding some “minor” installations of telecommunication equipment, Maida Vale application, and then wider points under “any other business” when we asked where we could tackle review of the planning process itself, policy, etc.

    We were advised that the DPC forum could be used for such purpose and that special focus meetings could be called for when particular aspects could be discussed. It felt like we were pushing on an open door and this was very encouraging. Both Town Planners were very thorough and professional in delivering information to the Commission.
