Options for Gibraltar
At the last general election, in 2007, the ESG put forward proposals on how to use Gibraltar’s available renewable resources to reduce both locally generated pollution, and our wholesale reliance on fossil fuels. (please see Energy Generation below)
The update is that the Gibraltar Government is currently (excuse the pun!) looking at underwater sea turbines as a potential source for all our energy requirements. A lot of work has to be done here to ensure Gibraltar moves away from dirty and harmful energy sources and we shall continue to monitor the situation and campaign for action.
We shall also be posting a copy on this site of a renewable energy feasibility report for Gibraltar produced a few years ago for the MoD by a UK firm of Consultants. The report is very interesting as it looks at all possible energy options at a financial and technical level. Watch this space!!
Introduction of the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive was finally implemented in Gibraltar in Dec 2009which is a welcome step, however, much more now needs to be done.
– Noise Insulation at OESCO Power Station
– Filters to be installed to reduce particulate and NO2 emissions from this and other power stations
-A deadline for the construction of new power plant to be set although more importantly-
a renewable energy report to be commissioned urgently (similar to the MoD report) to establish
options for Gibraltar and incorporate alternative technologies as soon as possible. To begin with, in the
short term this could include removing any import duties from solar panels and heaters and also
introducing grants to encourage homeowners. Modify grid to accommodate individuals wanting to use
renewable energy technology.
CHP: Combined Heat and Power-this is a technology that is simple and seeks to improve the
efficiency of any existing energy generator regardless of the core fuel. Simple diesel engines are not
efficient: the reason they have been chosen for Gibraltar is due to our size and due to the peak load use
of energy. However the ESG promotes CHP as a technology that would increase the efficiency of our
current energy production.
Long term
For Gibraltar to set our renewable energy goals and make these achievable in economic and
practical terms and to do so in a visionary manner, NOT simply by following EU legislature.
Govt must prioritise and invest in renewable energy systems and this should include a huge shake-up at
the DTI, where many of the big and most impactive environmental decisions on trade and development
are taken. The ESG understands that solar thermal, current , wind generators (small scale and numerous),
solar panels, solar roofing, conservation of energy are all options which could service Gibraltar’s
energy needs. Information on the technological options to reduce our collective carbon footprint is
widely available. What is needed is the political will and determination to implement these!
• Rising costs of oil and Gibraltar’s expanding use and reliance on this natural resource (for potable water and electricity generation) highlights the urgent need for “Alternative Technologies”: this makes economic as well as environmental sense.