The ESG wishes to offer heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the Clean Up weekend as well as to those whose support and input beforehand, helped ensure its success. Much was accomplished and it is hoped that the awareness raised on the chronic issues of dumping and littering in our environment will now be tackled by every sector of our society.
We can confirm that about 1000 bags of rubbish were collected together with huge piles of wood, metal, furniture, motorbikes and other unexpected finds. It was estimated that between 30-40 tons of rubbish was lifted from our streets, green areas, underwater site; and this during one weekend alone!!
It made a big difference to the sites we were in. Each team took a series of photographs and these will also be published on our website, and on local television as they are handed in.
The ESG confirms that 23 areas were covered with the help of 300 volunteers from a cross section of our community. Over twenty organisations, govt. depts, essential services, businesses, media support, and a large number of individuals worked extremely hard over the weekend. Clean up the World campaign is about community led projects and this was Gibraltar’s first ever participation. It can only be described as a huge success in this respect.
The ESG, together with team leaders and other organisations will now compile a report on the site clean ups, finds, photographic material, on remaining areas to be cleared and will make recommendations to the authority concerned for actions to be taken to reduce this intolerable assault on our environment. The report will be made public once it is finished.
It is expected that among the recommendations will be:-
* more waste collection points and litter bins;
* anti-litter campaigns;
* enforcement of anti-littering and dumping laws;
* recycling;
* attention to be given to the many neglected areas which were the focus of our clean-ups. This to include restoration of native vegetation and tree planting. A map of the sites will be provided to Govt and agencies
The Green parade and event at the square was both impactive and informative and well received by the public. The Square saw displays on the environment with live music, dance, artwork and face painting provided as well as a great rendition of a recycling song by a local primary school. The recently appointed Minister for the Environment, Mr Jaime Netto, endorsed the Clean Up the World campaign organised locally by the ESG both at the square and the next day when he and his family joined one of the teams in Europa to help clear a site.
Radio Gibraltar added spice to the event by linking up to the clean up teams dotted about Gibraltar in their live road show broadcast.
The ESG is planning to erect signs in public places showing before and after images. This will aim to dissuade would-be litterers to change their behaviour and to feel proud about Gibraltar and our community as those who took part in the clean up should feel over what was, quite literally, an amazing weekend.
CUTW will be organised again in 2006.