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  • ESG Press Release on Climate Strategy Publication 19.11.21

    The ESG was glad to finally see the publication of our Climate Change Strategy on the last day of COP26. 

    It is crucial that we understand the challenge that lies before us, as a community, to radically reduce our carbon footprint alongside every other nation on the planet.

    However the group believes the strategy must include a transition away from our fossil fuel economy, supported by targets for reduction over time. To simply target City Emissions, a mere 8.5% of our TOTAL carbon impact, fails in meeting the magnitude of the task at hand and responsibility we bear. 

    With a plan targeting all of Gibraltar’s Emissions, cross party support should be sought, and a team appointed, to urgently roll out the Climate Strategy.

    The ESG intends to keep this matter in the public domain and will be pressing Government for answers.


    As the world looks towards Glasgow and the start of possibly the most crucial global gathering ever for discussion on Climate Change, the ESG notes that here in Gibraltar we have yet to publish our own strategy earmarking a pathway to reduce our impacts and emissions.

    We have been publicly and directly calling on Government for some time now to release its strategy, which, though affected by the global economic setback from Covid, must nevertheless set out an important and well drawn-out plan to influence, inform and regulate us away from our present fossil fuel reliance.

    Reducing pollution, changing practices, and meaningfully divesting away from fossil fuels should form part of this strategy, to be time limited and enforced, and place Gibraltar in a responsible footing when attending the Glasgow Conference in a matter of days.

    The whole world must face up to this major task ahead and while the global situation is overwhelming, we are frequently reminded that actions must be taken locally to achieve global change together.

    The ESG believes an informed community can better support the necessary and potentially difficult decisions that lie ahead. The publication of Gibraltar’s Climate Strategy will therefore be a significant step in understanding what needs to be done.

    Publishing ahead of such an important summit as COP26, will further demonstrate the commitment and political will by Government to support the need for action when attending the conference and joining other nations pressing for urgent change.



    Rosia Bay petition handed in to the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo. Pic by Johnny Bugeja (Chronicle)


    15th October 2021

    A petition with nearly 5,500 signatures opposing the proposed development of Rosia Bay was handed to Chief Minister Fabian Picardo on Friday.

    The petition was last month launched online by The Nautilus Project some 24 hours after the Rosia Bay project was brought before the Development and Planning Commission.

    Local NGOs Environmental Safety Group, GONHS and The Gibraltar Heritage Trust have joined in their support for the petition against the plan to build up to 75 residential properties in the historic, but rundown Rosia Bay.

    Lewis Stagnetto, of the Nautilus Project, told the Chronicle the organisation is opposed to private and residential purposes on the site, partly from the environmental perspective.

    “There are a lot of key species in the basin, it is an important nursery ground and the idea of developing that area is worrying to us,” Mr Stagnetto said.

    “There is also a lot of heritage value because that is where Admiral Nelson was brought in to Gibraltar and it is also a recreational area for a lot of people.”

    The petitioners said they will support the preservation and restoration of Rosia Bay as a “natural, historical and public treasure”.

    Mr Stagnetto said there are three main pillars that people have commented on with regards to this site.

    People want the area to be restored to its former glory as a heritage site, but they also want it to remain open for recreational use by members of the public, and they want the environment to be protected, Mr Stagnetto said.

    ESG, GONHS and the Gibraltar Heritage Trust all voiced their opposition about the proposal during the DPC meeting.

    Janet Howitt, of the ESG, said: “The petition arose from the furore online after the project was presented to the DPC.”

    “All three NGOs feel very similar, that it is not fit for purpose, it is not suitable for the area, and it doesn’t tick any of the boxes.”

    “So we wanted to run a public campaign and people know how we feel about it.”

    “The Nautilus Project launched a petition 24 hours after that and thousands of signatures were collected within 48 hours, so we think the community agrees that this is not going to happen, but we want to make sure.”

    In the GSLP/Liberal party election manifesto for 2019, the party committed to a restoration of Rosia Bay and its mole as well as the building of a Military Museum.

    Dr Keith Farrell, Chairman of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust, said that while the Trust would want to see this commitment materialise.

    “We understand that there are financial constraints, but it doesn’t mean that you trash that promise and then put in a commercial enterprise to deface that area where there are no substantial provisions for parking, for sewage,” Dr Farrell said.

    “And then tag on the repair of the Mole which is historically extremely valuable quite apart from all the environmental issues that need to be cared for.”

    “The mole needs repairing and we need to look for an alternative way, and at least secure it for the next few winters because the winter storms are a problem.”

    “We understand the urgency of trying to repair this but the commercial route is not the answer.”

    Dr Farrell said it has gone from an ex-MOD controlled area, to just being abandoned, and the public has never been able to enjoy it properly.

    Dr Keith Bensusan, of GONHS, said Rosia Bay is a special place in Gibraltar where the natural environment and heritage are “in synergy”, but is “desperately in need” of refurbishment.

    “That refurbishment has to be done that is extremely sensitive to the site’s heritage and natural value and the site needs to be accessible to the public, every last bit of it,” Dr Bensusan added.

    He said that the project is still “very early days” of the planning process, but remains confident that the project will be voted against by members of the DPC.

    THANKS! To all Clean up Volunteers 18.09.21

    Gibraltar was buzzing with teams today from around 9am this morning, heading to sites, ready to do their bit for our environment – with great success!

    Over 500 volunteers, at 26 sites, cleared, picked, grabbed and swept shorelines, revetments, underwater sites, open water and various green habitats throughout our Nature Reserve, in a bid to free them of plastics, and other non-biodegradable waste. Several truckloads later the day has ended with many positive stories, some frustrations over litter found, and lessons learnt as per every year.

    While we go through the teams reports and feedback we wanted to take this chance to thank everyone who took part and those who supported the campaign.

    Our volunteers displayed great civic pride and care for our beautiful environment and that is priceless.

    We shall be releasing a more detailed account of the actions taken and the campaigns current aims very soon.

    Clean up the World 2021 Ready to go! 17.08.21


    Organisers of this years Clean up the World are pleased to confirm widespread support from our community for this Saturday’s awareness raising action. Schools, Clubs, Agencies, NGOs, businesses, families and the Gibraltar Regiment will make up the over 500 volunteers registered.

    26 teams and supporters will be spread throughout our coastlines, green areas and a few estates picking up litter and expressing civic pride.

    Abseiling, boat access, dive clean ups and open water sites will also be tackled.

    We are thankful for the overwhelming support and enthusiasm shown in response to the call out for volunteers and believe our environment will once again benefit from this great community effort. We also thank the Department of the Environment and Britannia for their assistance and support.

    The knock-on effects from the clean ups last far beyond the weekend action where team work, networking across sectors of our society, and testing our cleaning and maintenance programmes positively contributes to improving how we behave in our natural environment and importantly how we must look after it.

    Naturally we believe facilities, education and enforcement on littering and fly tipping are also important targets in this campaign and are highlighted among our volunteers and the wider community via the media.

    Watch out for our volunteers on Saturday morning and for further reports next week.

    Clean up the World Ready to go!! 17.09.21


    Organisers of this years Clean up the World are pleased to confirm widespread support from our community for this Saturday’s awareness raising action. Schools, Clubs, Agencies, NGOs, businesses, families and the Gibraltar Regiment will make up the over 500 volunteers registered.

    26 teams and supporters will be spread throughout our coastlines, green areas and a few estates picking up litter and expressing civic pride.

    Abseiling, boat access, dive clean ups and open water sites will also be tackled.

    We are thankful for the overwhelming support and enthusiasm shown in response to the call out for volunteers and believe our environment will once again benefit from this great community effort. We also thank the Department of the Environment and Britannia for their assistance and support.

    The knock-on effects from the clean ups last far beyond the weekend action where team work, networking across sectors of our society, and testing our cleaning and maintenance programmes positively contributes to improving how we behave in our natural environment and importantly how we must look after it.

    Naturally we believe facilities, education and enforcement on littering and fly tipping are also important targets in this campaign and are highlighted among our volunteers and the wider community via the media.

    Watch out for our volunteers on Saturday morning and for further reports next week.

    Joint PR from GONHS, Heritage Trust and ESG 08.09.21

    Joint Press Release 8th September 2021

    Rosia Bay

    The ESG, GONHS and GHT are vehemently opposed to a development that is being proposed at Rosia Bay. 

    The site is hugely important to Gibraltar as a community, leisure, heritage and ecological area, not to mention its international significance to European naval history.

    The scheme proposes residential development of up to 75 residential units, despite the site being designated as a tourism, leisure, and recreational area only by the Gibraltar Development Plan 2009.  Furthermore, in 2016 the DPC unanimously rejected a proposed residential development at Rosia Bay that included only six apartments. The GSLP/Liberal party election manifesto in 2019 included plans for the restoration of the Bay and the provision of a recreational facility which is more in line with preserving the value and setting of this special place.

    The Scoping Report for the EIA process for the proposal was today ratified on majority by the DPC.  Significantly, no imagery or plans have been submitted to date to inform the scoping report.

    Aside from the residential units, the proposal also includes commercial units, onsite residential and commercial parking facilities, the extension of the current concrete platform and coastline westwards by about 12m which will include costal protection works and a crown wall of approximately 3-4m in height.

    Privatisation of any part of the Bay is unacceptable.  Marring of the heritage value of structures at or around the site is unacceptable.  Our view is that any development that includes a residential element or significant massing at the site should not be entertained from the outset, and we cannot comprehend why a project that includes residential development is being considered. We are confident that the public will join us in urging that development at Rosia Bay focuses solely on restoring the heritage asset and providing public amenity.  The site deserves it, and so do Gibraltar’s people.

    Clean up the World 2021 08.09.21

    Gibraltar once again takes part and supports the global Clean up the World taking place on Saturday 18th September 2021.

    With most teams registered we can now consider only accepting individuals who can be added to teams.

    Thanks Gibraltar for supporting Clean up the World

    ESG Welcomes Electric Taxis Proposal 06.09.21

    The ESG welcomes the recent statement by a member of the Taxi Association that it has successfully trialled electric taxis in the Upper Rock.

    The group hopes that Government notes the passion and interest expressed by Ronnie Ignacio of the Association over the possibilities that running a fully electric taxi service in Gibraltar could bring in terms of reducing noise and air pollution particularly in the Upper Rock.

    The ESG believes the issue of creating charging stations and a suitable location should be possible.  It further hopes that despite Covid impacts on our economy, co-financing such necessary changes to Gibraltar’s transport, which in turn would bring dividends from reducing fossil fuel consumption, could form part of measures to reduce emissions and improve our air quality.

    This would also improve our tourism product and help meet climate change targets

    ESG Radio Broadcast 25.08.21

    Key Topics:  Developments & next DPC/ Climate Change/ Clean Up

    It’s been some time since our last broadcast. The intense heat and heavy humidity we have experienced hasn’t made things too easy but we are glad to be back on the airwaves today, sharing our thoughts and concerns about our environment.

    You may have seen our Press release this week regarding a proposal to build a rural hotel in our Nature Reserve. Regardless of the status of the land it is its location, which most concerns us. The GDP refers to the possibility of some type of rural accommodation at this site, but, as stressed by the Deputy Town Planner when this project came forward before DPC last year, it would be for minimal infrastructure and for a few clients, not a full blown hotel, with all the associated transport, lighting, noise pollution etc. this would create in an otherwise predominantly green area.

    We also feel most strongly that development in Gibraltar has, over the years, eaten away at our natural habitat seeing significant parcels of land fall under diggers making room for ever more major structures. So the ESG urges everyone concerned to plse send objections to the Town Planners. Please see our website for press releases on this and on other issues.

    Also on developments we see news of fresh ideas for the Caleta Hotel site and will wait to see the plans before passing any further comment. The Coaling Island reclamation is also set to go ahead to accommodate much of the Rubble Mountain on the eastside and we have called for a number of measures to be considered and for information to be presented regarding the logistics and transport associated with these major projects.

    The next DPC meeting is set for the 8th September with the agenda posted on the Town planning website a week beforehand. Meetings continue to take place online although we hope that physical meetings will resume as soon as Covid restrictions allow.

    Listeners familiar with our work will know that we have lobbied and pushed for the Climate Strategy for Gibraltar to be released for some time and are therefore feeling more optimistic that Government has announced this will happen sometime in the next few weeks. We will obviously be very keen to see its implementation rolled out.

    Although summer is coming to a close we would like to remind everyone to be more responsible with litter and waste. This can include cigarette butts, furniture and pretty much everything you need to dispose of. If unsure what to do you can always email us or check the Dept of Environment’s Thinking Green Facebook page for advice on current facilities for different waste types. It’s incredible and a little shocking that food related waste, in the main, is found almost everywhere you look, in street corners, beaches or green area, in fact, wherever there are people. Despite 17 years of Clean ups littering continues, to a lesser degree, but it’s still not good enough.

    We shall raise the profile of these issues once again on 18th September during our Clean up campaign and hope we can rely on the strong support of our community to get involved once more following Covid directives.  Please register to take part either as an individual or a team at esg@gibtelecom.net to be kept informed as plans for this begin in earnest.

    Thank you for listening!
