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    The refinery

    Since our complaint was lodged in November 2002, we are still awaiting a substantive reply from the European Commission. There have been various exchanges through fax and email and letter. We have been asked for more specific information and we have tried to accommodate as best as possible, all the while extending our point of contact within the EU as we get more and more information about them.

    One view could be that the complaint is being taken seriously and undergoing investigation. This could tie in with the recent action taken by the EU charging Spain, (and a few others), with failure to meet Air Quality and Emission Controls. This relates to failing to provide information on CO2 and other pollutants; information we ourselves have been demanding with no success. We therefore hope that the EU will continue in its monitoring of the situation and takes steps to ensure the Spanish industries are made to comply at the very least, to the levels every other country adheres to. We shall continue with our complaint although this shall not be our only approach to seeing environmental improvement in our area.

    Lodging the complaint was a big step and one that is sending signals through the system. Our plan will also involve extending media exposure, connecting with Green MEP’s and UK Members of Parliament and with any other organisations or individuals keen to see serious improvement in the levels of pollution sustained by our local environment, due to the heavy industries on the Bay, beginning with the Oil Refineries.

    Please do contact us if you have anything you wish to contribute to our campaign.
