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  • On Brexit and the Environment 7th July 2016


    “ESG welcomes the announcement by the Minister for the Environment that his Government will continue to endorse and apply EU environmental legislation despite the Brexit result.


    We strongly believe that our quality of life and a healthy environment require tight environmental controls and we have always advocated for “higher than EU standards” given our small footprint and therefore greater susceptibility to polluting activity. On this the Environment Minister also declared support in Parliament.


    We further believe that our local environmental laws and EAMP (Environmental Action and Management Plan) must step up to the challenge and become reliable and effective tools in helping Gibraltar manage the many conflicting activities which exist in our community today.


    We would like to see greater and accelerated use of sustainable power generation, such as the eco wave project, underwater turbines, solar and other technologies as these are even more relevant in a potentially tight economy, and a probable exit in the next few years.


    We also call upon Government to urgently finalise plans for the Sewage Treatment Plant and for clear confirmation that the new Power Station will incorporate best available technology as pledged during the EIA assessment for this project last year.


    Finally, we offer any help possible in working with Government and the environmental lobby in Gibraltar to ensure that with or without Brexit we continue to address local, and cross border environmental issues.”

