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  • ESG Radio Newsletter 270416

    ESG Radio Newsletter 27th April 2016

    Hello- since our last newsletter the ESG has focused on several issues affecting our environment. This includes:–  noise pollution from the dockyard area, Rosia Bay petition, the EIA for the LNG storage project, online bus tracking, and the launch of a collaborative project on Vistas and Views by the Gibraltar Heritage Trust, ESG and the GONHS.


    So lets start with the dockyard noise. South district residents have seen significant reduction of noise and air pollution in their homes after suffering decades from the impacts of the heavily polluting power stations. However last week noise levels soared once again with the arrival of the navy vessel RFA into the port. We rec’d complaints and issued a press release. We have followed this up directly with each pertinent entity to seek a solution to the present problem, but more importantly, to secure a long lasting resolution of what happens all too frequently at dockside and must be eliminated: that is, running of engines while in port for any length of time.

    This transitory pollution is a huge environmental problem and needs to be eliminated from our port. The issue appears to revolve around the lack of connection facility for different vessel types. There are European directives, financial subsidies and readily available technology to overcome this difficulty. Driving this process is affected coastal communities and Gibraltar definitely qualifies with land limitation placing industry and communities cheek by jowl. We are highlighting these measures and possibilities to all concerned in the hope that steps will speedily be taken. More updates in our next newsletter and go online to esg-gib.net for more information to be updated on this matter shortly.


    The ESG agrees that development at Rosia Bay should be minimal and refurbished to respect its open, historic and natural coastline. There is a petition doing the rounds online which is getting a lot of support.


    We want to highlight that the EIA documentation for the proposed LNG storage, including a non-technical summary, is published online via the egov.gi website with a deadline for comments and objections to be made by the 5th May 2016. The ESG is presently studying the comprehensive documentation and will be submitting our own concerns in this process.


    We also wanted to advise of a 2nd debate being organised by the Gibraltar Heritage Trust being held on the 3rd May at 6.30pm at the Main Guard. The theme is “In your face? How high is too high for Gibraltar’s urban landscape?” A very interesting and most topical subject. In line with this theme is the launch of a collaborative draft document by the Heritage Trust together with the ESG and GONHS on Protected Views, which was published yesterday. This is now out for public consultation and feedback and you can find this on the heritage website: www.gibraltarheritagetrust.org.gi. You will also be able to access this from the GONHS and ESG websites soon.


    See also link:      http://gibraltarheritagetrust.org.gi/about-gibraltar-heritage/news/26-04-2016/launch-of-views-vistas-protection-document


    Good news re online bus tracking – hope other routes are added as soon as possible.


    Finally please put the Clean up Dates in your calendar, for the 24th and 25th September. Volunteers welcome to sign up now emailing esg@gibtelecom.net .



    Thanks for listening.








