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  • ESG Radio Newsletter 151015

    ESG Radio Newsletter 151015
    Key words: Eplanning and Planning system/ Town Act/ ESG Wish List/ March for Climate Change


    Lots going on locally and globally, regarding our environment.

    If you, like us, are interested and concerned about planning issues in Gibraltar then news that the planning system has now gone online should be widely welcomed. Information is always key in these matters and clearly placing detailed info online for ALL to see is a major and positive step forward.

    This follows closely on from the revision of the Town Act, itself bringing about a number of key changes in planning practices and so it is expected that further cohesion will be required to ensure that all new measures approved in the revised Town Act will be fully incorporated in the new eplanning service. It will escape no-one’s attention that the digitisation of the planning process will bring about huge benefits for industry, the public and for the environment too. Just think about the savings on paper alone and time saved also in the duplication and manual sharing of plans etc. Objections can be made online, but will also be accepted in hard copy within time limits at the Town Planning offices.

    The ESG has called for eplanning for a few years now to meet the glaring issues exposed via the more public planning process. We therefore welcome its arrival and note that all new applications will, as of today, require to be presented online. You can register to access information and see data held onsite by going to egov.gi and clicking on the Planning icon. ESG congratulates all concerned and hopes that resources will be sustained to the planning department to develop and fine tune the online service while it navigates through the early stages of public use.

    The ESG is now also fine tuning our wish list, updated in March of this year, is now undergoing scrutiny by the committee before its launch at the beginning of next week. We have campaigned openly and publicly for several core issues affecting our environment since the 2003 elections. Although we have made a lot of progress as a community regarding our environmental management, we are still some way off meeting charter obligations and targets and we shall be lobbying for speedier conclusion of a number of fundamental areas that will form part of our election wish list 2015.

    You will find this published on our website at esg-gib.net

    Finally, many will be aware of the news of the Paris summit regarding critical climate change agreements coming up at the end of November this year. Globally communities are being invited to support a worldwide climate march during the summit and the ESG is hoping to organise one here. Some may remember our 350 event at Eastern Beach which was broadcast around the world showing Gibraltar up there standing shoulder to shoulder with communities from every corner of the globe calling for the right action from world leaders. Climate Change is a global responsibility. Lets do our part too. Date is the 29th November. Preparations will start soon.

    Get in touch if you wish to take part or help in any way. Call: 54960000 or 58009259 – email: esg@gibtelecom.net
