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  • ESG Radio Broadcast 6th August

    ESG Newsletter 30th July 2015 – (broadcast 6th August)

    In todays newsletter we shall be looking at new EU bathing water standards; the long awaited EIA for the new power station – also news of a new Eco Park, which is a facility we have lobbied for under the Clean up Campaign and we shall also provide contact details for this year’s event-
    So lets get started:

    The ESG is now assessing the EIA papers for the new power station, which does not include any LNG aspects or storage issues. There are nevertheless a number of concerns we have that include: full impacts from design parameters, emissions, mitigation and stack monitoring, as well as the need to have incorporated the LNG factor into this round of assessments. More will be shared over the next few weeks especially as news continues to be made public by Government on this every few days. Meanwhile, a reminder that the public is invited to see all plans and EIA documents at the offices of Town Planning 3rd floor, Europort, and respond in writing to them with any comments, concerns or objections before the 14th August 2015. The EIA is now available online at the Town Planning website.

    On another matter and quite topical is the enforcement of new EU bathing water standards, which means that we are now sampling and recording differently to how we have been doing for years with changes implemented from the 17th July this year. It means that standards have been tightened and what classifies as acceptable pollution has been significantly reduced. Indeed the environmental agency states that stds will now be twice as strict as they have been to date. The ESG has been contacted by members of the public asking how these new changes will work in practice. We share these concerns and note the Directive calls for all data and information on beaches to be provided on websites and at each site to ensure the public are kept fully informed of water quality at every beach. So more needs to be done but in spite of this, the ESG strongly welcomes the upgrading of water standards, which has been much needed in tackling chronicly polluted waters like Western Beach, for example.

    It is a great shame that under these new standards there is a real risk of beach closure here given its record since 2010. The ESG is planning another push with its legal advisers and in Brussels to ensure that the announcements made by the Spanish authorities this year of a 6.5 million euro plan to rectify its sewage problems in the Bay, which includes La Linea, is implemented with some urgency. We must do all that is possible to rescue this popular family beach. It also follows that Gibraltar must set up its own sewage treatment plant too, which has already been agreed and announced by the local authorities.
    You can find out more info on the new bathing water rules at the agencys’ site which is Environmental Agency.gi.

    A new Eco Park for Gibraltar! This is great news of course. It is a key measure of our Clean up Campaign to address recycling needs locally. Perhaps a more central location would have been helpful – its important to inform the community about the location and all aspects of the operation – not everyone knows where 8 Flint Road is for instance – we wish the project every success, it is a complex business, and a massive logistical challenge. We shall visit the plant soon and update our members with further information – we also hope to see a strong marketing media campaign to encourage and inform the public about this ambitious step to make Gibraltar more environmentally responsible, and ultimately, to make it easier for us all to recycle our waste.

    More teams have signed up for Clean up 2015, get in touch if you would like to take part – this years global day and weekend of action falls on the 19th September. Email us at esg@gibtelecom.net, call 200-48996 or mobile 54960000.

    Thanks for listening!
