Hot news at the moment is the temporary power station to be set up at the corner of Western Arm and the North Mole. Our group responded very positively to this announcement by Govt last week given that’s its priority is to both secure electricity supply this winter AND reduce harmful air and noise emissions which have plagued residents living next to the ageing power stations for the past two decades. No-one who lives in the vicinity of these monsters, and whose day to day lives have been plagued by them can think that investing in a solution NOW is anything but long overdue. Yes, we all expect and anticipate the long term plan for Gibraltar’s total energy needs to be announced without further delay and we certainly will continue to monitor this urging Govt to make its decision known as soon as possible.
In our many discussions with Government we understand that renewable energy programmes are currently and actively being looked at with a view to installing such technology soon as part of Gibraltar’s energy needs. With a parallel programme running to increase energy efficiency in our community as well as the immediate action of setting up this new temporary power station the ESG believes we are finally moving in the right direction. Our advisers compare the new turbine engines that will be set up at the North Mole as “moving from propellers, to jet engine technology”. This modern technology will also significantly reduce air pollution which is harmful to our health as well as fuel consumption that will also bring about financial benefits. What the ESG remains concerned about however is how long the three ageing stations are operational and will be calling upon Govt for these to be decommissioned as quickly as possible. Let’s face it investing in Gibraltar’s energy needs is not only important for our quality of life and health but also a requirement of meeting EU Directives on air quality stds which are presently being breached by the existing power stations.
For those interested in planning matters in Gibraltar: perhaps you are concerned about a development in your back yard? you should know that the next DPC meeting takes place on the 22nd November at 9.30am at the John Mack Hall with items on the agenda that seem to cover proposed activity throughout every corner of Gibraltar. No doubt somewhere near you! For more information go to: planning, where you will find the link to DPC, that’s the Development and Planning Commission, with full agenda details.
The ESG is happy to take your enquiries on any environmental issue of concern to you so please call us at 200-48996 or 54960000, you can also email us at or find us on Facebook too.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for listening.