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    Each year since 2007, the ESG has drawn attention locally to a global campaign called “Earth Hour”.  While symbolic in part, this exciting campaign also reminds us of the urgent need for collective action on reducing energy use and improving energy efficiency- 

    Earth Hour is on Saturday 26th March at 8.30pm for one hour and the ESG and the Government asks everyone to support this global campaign by switching off unnecessary lights during this time.  The Gibraltar Government is once again switching off spotlights on iconic sites in support and the Scouts are planning an event on the day to promote awareness of this important campaign.

    New to the campaign locally is that Ocean Village Resort is getting behind the initiative and will be holding an on site vigil as well as carrying out other awareness raising efforts to bring the message home to this part of Gibraltar.

    The ESG calls upon the Gibraltar Community to support the events on the day and the campaigns’ aims beyond Earth Hour. Watch out in the media for more information on the events planned for Saturday. 

    Visit:- http://www.earthhour.org/ for more information on how this year Earth Hour evolves beyond the hour and beyond the light switch………..
