The ESG was involved in a beach clean up on Saturday morning under the guidance of the port authority and OSRL, (Oil Spill Response team) currently in Gibraltar carrying out oil removal from the spillage caused by the FEDRA shipwreck.The volunteers were initially given a briefing at the port and were shown around the decontamination site by Brightside, a local firm involved in the ongoing oil clean up.
A dedicated team of volunteers removed oil covered debris and replaced strewn rocks back in the surf at Little Bay Beach. Some work was carried out at Camp Bay. The group also visited Rosia Bay, one of the worst affected sites where specialist equipment is being used to remove the bulk of the oil.
The experience was as always, gratifying, and saw a fitting end with the arrival of hot fish and chips for all!
It is hoped that volunteers will be able to assist in similar operations over the next few weeks.
The hands on nature of the clean up however brings home the reality behind oil pollution and how important it is to avoid similar or worse occurrences in the future.