JUNE 21ST 2010
Xavier van der Stappen, who passed through Gibraltar on 7th April this year in his totally green prototype car, has arrived in South Africa safely and in time for the World Cup.
His journey started in Copenhagen, hosts to the last meeting of world leaders discussing climate change.
His aim was to travel 12000km, through 25 countries, creating awareness of the need for Governments and individuals to embrace a world without petrol.Gibraltar was his last stop before beginning the long journey through Africa and he has finally succeeded in achieving the goal to arrive in South Africa, to promote his campaign throughout the World Cup tournament. The ESG hosted Xavier’s visit to Gibraltar where an exhibition was held in Casemates promoting the vehicle and the exhibition which explored the necessity to reduce human impact on the environment. Visit CoptoCap website and Facebook page for loads of interesting information on his journey south!
www.coptocap.org http://parisdakarnooil.org/video.html