As the world looks towards Glasgow and the start of possibly the most crucial global gathering ever for discussion on Climate Change, the ESG notes that here in Gibraltar we have yet to publish our own strategy earmarking a pathway to reduce our impacts and emissions.
We have been publicly and directly calling on Government for some time now to release its strategy, which, though affected by the global economic setback from Covid, must nevertheless set out an important and well drawn-out plan to influence, inform and regulate us away from our present fossil fuel reliance.
Reducing pollution, changing practices, and meaningfully divesting away from fossil fuels should form part of this strategy, to be time limited and enforced, and place Gibraltar in a responsible footing when attending the Glasgow Conference in a matter of days.
The whole world must face up to this major task ahead and while the global situation is overwhelming, we are frequently reminded that actions must be taken locally to achieve global change together.
The ESG believes an informed community can better support the necessary and potentially difficult decisions that lie ahead. The publication of Gibraltar’s Climate Strategy will therefore be a significant step in understanding what needs to be done.
Publishing ahead of such an important summit as COP26, will further demonstrate the commitment and political will by Government to support the need for action when attending the conference and joining other nations pressing for urgent change.