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  • CLEAN UP THE WORLD Radio Broadcast 17th September 2015


    In today’s broadcast we would like to update you with more details for this year’s Clean up taking place on the 26th September.
    Although the global date of the 19th falls on this coming Saturday, organisers felt it necessary to delay this in Gibraltar and so our day of action will be the 26th.

    We are very happy to confirm that we have over twenty teams ready to go, and as many sites to be tackled.

    Naturally the Clean up Campaign aims to achieve real longterm change and as such the ESG, as main organisers of this event locally, also takes up all these issues throughout the year using media, talks and input at the Litter Committee forum to push these forward. Issues such as littering, dumping, waste management and facilities, civic pride, are on the agenda. Others under the spotlight are specific hotspots, issues of enforcement and culture change, and better information and community engagement on these matters via a sustained litter campaign.

    The ESG will hold a key Team Leaders meeting on Tuesday 22nd September at 7pm, at the Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall. All leaders are asked to attend.
    A short presentation on “where we are now”, as well as future aims and plans will be delivered together with a briefing on logistics for the day of action itself on the 26th September.

    Gibraltar is proud to once again be taking part in a phenomenal global environmental campaign of action and awareness raising under the Clean Up the World banner. This campaign has and will continue to deliver green dividends for us here on the Rock as well as taking responsibility for marine litter issues and driving the agenda forward for improved waste management at a very practical level. Much depends on individual action on a day to day basis also and our clean up attempts aims to improve how and what we each do with our rubbish whenever we raise the Clean up banner.

    Join us!

    26th September – but please get in touch no later than the 24th and by email providing mobile number, age and fitness.

    Thanks for listening!!

    ESG Radio Broadcast 3rd September 2015

    In today’s edition we shall talk about: Clean up the World/ Power Stations, EIAs and LNG/ a reminder to get your response in on the revised Town Act Participation Drive by the end of this month/ National Day and Balloons/ and the latest Marine Consultation exercise by GoG tackling issues affecting the health of our seas and more.

    This years global CUTW lands on the 18th to the 20th September. However in Gibraltar the day of action will be on the 26th September – please make a note in your diary. Please note that on the 8th September we shall be holding a short meeting specifically for team leaders for a briefing on the activity and action planned for the 19th. Venue is the John Mackintosh Hall at 7pm.

    While a number of our large hotspots are being tackled and will therefore not form part of our clean up, there are always filthy corners around the Rock that can benefit from our awareness raising campaign –not to mention the benefits gained in general from an energetic once over by our volunteers.

    Talking about volunteers, we do have a number of teams signed up already and are currently taking details of new volunteers. Do, therefore, please get in touch asap, with your contact details, team size, rough idea of ages and fitness so we can include you in our planning. This campaign has achieved great results on many fronts since we first started organising the event in 2005. There is still much to be done and we shall use the Clean up weekend to highlight issues, press for the right solutions and engage the community.

    You can email: esg@gibtelecom.net with your details. Call 54960000 or 58009259.

    There is much discussion at present on LNG, EIA’s and Power Station– the ESG felt pleased at the end of the last DPC session on this issue as GoG, as applicant for the EIA certificate, publicly pledged to meet specific requests made by the ESG for best technology, and to go over and above the legal minimum requirements. In fact the EIA certificate was conditioned subject to it meeting a number of requests made by our group and the petitioners.

    However, and the big but here is that we, along with many in the community, are unhappy about the LNG factor, about the lack of reports, the absence of a technical and public presentation on this technology and unhappy about siting the storage at the North Mole. This issue is far from over – we continue to monitor the situation and maintain contacts with both Govt and residents at Waterport Terraces.

    Re Planning Matters in Gibraltar – remember the deadline for public feedback to the consultation drive by GoG on the revised Town Act is at the end of September.

    With National Day coming up we need to mention the balloon issue again. For some years now the ESG has raised concerns about the expulsion of plastic or latex balloons by the thousands into our marine environment each year. Through our Clean up efforts and research we know only too well the impacts that waste in general has on wildlife and have lobbied GoG to find safer alternatives. We shall join ranks with others in the community to ensure that such alternatives will be in place for 2016. Its not about curtailing celebrations, but about avoiding the harming of wildlife and creating litter in our environment.

    Interesting to see a GoG led marine consultation exercise running at present on issues affecting the health of our seas. The ESG will submit a lengthy report with data gathered from a decade of coastal clean ups. We shall share the knowledge we have gained through the efforts of volunteers clearing Gibraltar’s coastline and underwater sites of hundreds of tons of rubbish during our Clean up the World actions.

    Thanks for listening. Enjoy your National Day and remember to recycle your rubbish and use the bins!!
